The present By-Law no. 1 is a restatement and amendment to previous By-Laws adopted by the
Members from time to time. The present By-Laws replaces and supersedes any prior general ByLaw
of the Royal Oak Tennis Club without affecting the validity of any acts taken hereunder.
1. Name of the Club

The name of the Club shall be the ” Royal Oak Tennis Club ” ( or in French “Club de Tennis
Royal Oak).

2. Objects

The Royal Oak Tennis Club is a non-profit sporting club whose main purpose is to provide
facilities for playing the game of tennis by its members. To encourage participation, the Club
also provides coaching and training for members and sponsors a variety of related social
activities. The Club is governed by an Executive committee whose members are elected annually
at the Fall Meeting.

3. Members’ Meetings

3.1 Fall Meeting
Each year, the President shall, after consultation with the Executive, call a meeting of the
Club Members, herein referred to as the Fall Meeting. The Fall Meeting shall not be
earlier than ten (10) days after the appropriate notice has been given in the manner
prescribed for by Article 3.4 below, and held after September 15th, but no later than
October 30th. The agenda for the Fall Meeting shall include:

a) Election of the Executive;
b) Any other business which may properly come before the meeting;

3.2 Annual General Meeting
Each year, the President shall, after consultation with the Executive, call a meeting of the
Club Members, herein referred to as the Annual General Meeting. The Annual General
Meeting shall not be earlier than ten (10) days after the appropriate notice has been given
in the manner prescribed by Article 3.4 below and held after April 1st, but no later than
April 30th. The agenda for the Annual General Meeting shall include:

a) Presentation of the reports by the Members of the Executive, the financial
statements for the preceding fiscal year and the annual budget;
b) Approval and ratification of any and all acts of the Executive during the preceding
year requiring approval or ratification;
c) Any other business which may properly come before the meeting.

3.3 Special Meeting

The President, with the approval of the Executive, may call a Special Meeting of the
Members at any time by causing the Secretary to send a notice of the time and place of
the meeting. A Special Meeting shall not be earlier than five (5) days after the appropriate
notice has been given in the manner prescribed by Article 3.4.
Any twenty-five Members entitled to vote at General Meetings shall be entitled to call a
Special Meeting of the Members at any time, by request in writing to the Secretary signed
by each of them. The request must detail the items to be discussed at the Special Meeting.
Upon receiving the aforementioned request, the Secretary shall consult with the
Executive to determine the time and date of the meeting and shall forthwith send the
appropriate notice in the manner prescribed by Article 3.4. Such Special General Meeting
shall be held no later than ten days after the reception of the request by the Secretary.

Call of Meetings
3.4 Special Meeting
Any Meeting of the Members is called by causing the Secretary to send a notice of the
time and place of the meeting.
The notice can be sent either by surface mail or via email. A member not wishing to
receive meeting notices via email must inform the Secretary of his wish in writing. Each
Member shall without delay notify the Secretary of any change in email or civic address.
Such notice shall indicate in a summary manner the purpose of the meeting, and shall
include the appropriate information to be discussed. The accidental failure to send a
notice to a Member entitled to vote at such meeting shall not invalidate any resolution
approved by the Members at any such meeting.
3.5 Place of Meetings
The meetings of the Club are held in the location determined by the Executive, within the
limits of the town of Hudson.
3.6 Quorum
Twenty-five Members of the Club present at any Fall Meeting, Annual Meeting or
Special Meeting, and entitled to vote thereat, shall form a quorum at such meeting.
3.7 Right to Vote
All Senior and Intermediate Members in good standing with the Club at the time of a
Meeting, shall be entitled to vote at such Meetings, and shall be entitled to present
motions from the floor that shall be voted on upon being duly seconded.
3.8 Majority
Except where otherwise provided by Law, all resolutions submitted to the Members at a
Meeting shall be decided upon by the majority of those present. In the event of a tie, the
president of the meeting will have a casting vote.
a) Method of Voting
Voting shall be by show of hands, provided, however, that any Member entitled to vote
may call for a ballot at any time. In such case the President shall appoint two scrutineers
from among the Members present and entitled to vote at such Meeting to count the
4.1 Categories
Membership in the Club is divided into two categories: i) Playing Member or ii) a Nonplaying
4.1.1 Playing Members
A Playing Member shall be entitled, subject to the rights and obligations set forth
in this By-law and the Regulations (as defined herein), to use of all the premises
and facilities of the Club.
The Playing Membership shall consist of the following classes:
4.1.2 Honorary Life Members
Honorary Life Members means any person so elected by the Members at an
Annual Meeting because of meritorious service in the interest of the Club.
Honorary Life Members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of a Playing
Members without any obligation to pay any annual membership fee.
4.1.3 Senior Members
Senior Members means any adult who wishes to have use of the Courts in
accordance to the terms of this By-Law and the Regulations and who does not
qualify as an Intermediate Player and is not an Honorary Life Member.
4.1.4 Intermediate Members
Intermediate Members means any person older than 17 years old but younger than
24 years old by January 1 of the current calendar year and not qualifying for
Junior Membership as provided for herein.
To be eligible to the Intermediate category, such person must be a “full time”
student at a recognised academic institution. To qualify, the Intermediate Member
shall provide to the Club with evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Executive of
his or her full time status at such institution.
4.1.5 Junior Members
Junior Member means a person who has not reached the age of 17 by January 1 of
the current calendar year.
Junior Members who have not reached the age of 7 by January 1 of the current
calendar year must always be supervised by an adult while on club property.
Junior Members under the age of 7 may play on the Har-tru courts only when
accompanied by a Senior Member or Intermediate Member.
4.2 Non-playing Members
The Non-playing Membership shall consist of the following classes:
4.2.1 Social Members
Social Members are entitled to participate in Club functions and to use the Club
Social Members are not entitled to vote at any nor attend any General Meeting,
Fall Meeting or Special Meeting of the Club. Social Members are not subject to
initiation fees but must pay annually membership fees.
Social Members are permitted to play on the courts only during social events,
organized by the Social Committee or events sponsored by the Club and shall
limit their participation on the courts to four (4) such social events per season.
Social Members are not permitted to invite guests to play at the Club.
A Social Member changing his or her membership to Playing Member, must pay
an initiation fee , except as provided for under section 4.3.2.. A Social Member
may apply to change his or her membership to Playing Member, provided such
Member is in good standing with the Club and he or she sends a written
application to the Executive in the form prescribed in the Regulations.
4.3 Termination or Suspension of Membership
4.3.1 Cancellation
A Member may cancel his or her membership to the Club at any time on giving a
notice in writing to that effect to the Secretary. A Member who cancels must pay
forthwith any indebtedness he or she may owe to the Club as at the effective date
of his or her cancellation.
A Member not cancelling or not notifying the Secretary in writing of his or her
desire to change the class of membership before June 1 of each year shall be
liable for the dues for the current season for the class of membership to which
such Member then belongs, except as determined under section 4.3.2 of the ByLaws.
4.3.2 Inability to play
A Playing Member who becomes unable to play due to illness, injury or other
extraordinary circumstances, may temporarily change to a Social Member class
without penalty for a period of time to be determined by the Executive by sending
a request for such change of status to the Executive before June 30th of the current
year (or at any other time if approved by the Executive) with the reason of such
disability. The Executive shall notify the Member within 30 days of receipt of
such notice whether such request is granted and for which duration.
4.3.3 Termination of Membership
The Executive may request the resignation of any Member of the Club for just
cause, including for non-payment of indebtedness to the Club by sending a notice
to the Member explaining the reason of such termination.
Upon receiving a resignation request, a Member shall have five (5) days to send
the Executive a written demand for a meeting to be held with the Executive
during which the Member will be allowed to express his views and contest the
decision to request his resignation. The Executive shall hold such a meeting
within five (5) days of receiving the written request and will come to a final
decision after taking into account the Members arguments no later than five (5)
days after the meeting.
If the Executive upholds its decision and the Member’s resignation is not
forthcoming thereafter, the membership in question may be terminated by the
4.3.4 Disciplinary Measures
The Executive reserves the right to suspend all privileges of any Member
displaying unethical or unsportsmanlike conduct.
A Playing Member may introduce up to two guests to play at the Club at any given time. These
guests shall have the right to use the Club’s facilities, but such guests may not use the tennis
courts more than three times in any calendar month, or more than five times in any season and
are subject to the payment of fees as set by the Executive from time to time. The host Member
must be present while the guests are using the facilities. A Playing Member may introduce a
temporary member for a period not exceeding two weeka in any season subject to the prior
approval of the Executive, and special dues as set by the Executive from time to time shall be
payable by or on behalf of such guest(s).
Initiation fees and Annual dues for each class of membership shall be as determined by the
Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the Membership at the Annual General
Initiation Fees, Annual Dues and Member’s Accounts
Initiation fees and Annual dues are due and payable by May 31, and must be received by the
Club by that date. At the discretion of the Member, initiation fees may be paid over two
instalments. The treasurer must send to each Member an invoice either by e-mail or regular mail
within 30 days after approval by Members at the Annual General Meeting and in no
circumstances later than April 30th of each year.
Other indebtedness of Members shall be payable within thirty days of mailing of notices of such
For persons who wish to become members of the Club after July 15th of a given year, the
Executive shall determine the amount of the annual dues owed for the remainder of the season.
Initiation fees are to be paid as described above.
The Executive may, from time to time, see to the issuance of membership cards to any member
of the Club in good standing requesting such a membership card and set the fees related to its
Membership Cards
A person may apply to become a Member of the Club by sending a written application in the
form prescribed in the Regulations. The Executive shall process any such application in
accordance with the procedures set forth in the Regulations.
Membership Application
9.1 Composition
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be composed of seven (7) members who shall act as the
Directors of the Club and Officer of the Club, namely the President, Past President, VicePresident,
Secretary, Treasurer, Chair of the Social Committee, Chair of the Grounds
Committee and Chair of the Junior Development Committee referred to hereinafter.
9.2 Nominating Process and Election
The Officers shall be elected annually by a majority vote of the Members present at the
Fall Meeting.
The Officers shall take office immediately following the Fall Meeting with the exception
of the Treasurer who shall take office on December 31 of the calendar year.
Honorary Life Members, Senior Members and Intermediate Members of the Club in good
standing shall be eligible for election as member of the Executive.
The Nominating Committee, as per Section 12.2, will recommend eligible Members for
the positions on the Executive. The Nominating Committee shall draw up a list of
nominees with the position such persons would hold as Officer. The names of the
nominees shall be communicated to the Members with the notice calling the Fall
However, any Senior Member may propose nominees by sending a written proposal of
such nominees and their titles as Officers which shall be, duly endorsed by the signature
of ten (10) Members entitled to vote at any meetings of the Club and reach the Secretary
five (5) days prior to the relevant Fall Meeting. Such written proposal shall be
accompanied by the written consent of the nominees. The Secretary shall forthwith
inform the Members of such nominations.
9.3 Ceasing to Hold Office
Any Officer who submits his resignation in writing to the Executive and it is accepted by
the Executive Committee or becomes incapacitated shall then cease to be part of the
Executive effective as of the date of the acceptance of his or her resignation or incapacity.
9.4 Revocation
The mandate of any Officer can be revoked by a resolution duly adopted by 2/3 of the
Members present during an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting duly called for
that purpose in accordance with Section 3.4 herein.
9.5 Vacancy
Should any Executive office subsequently become vacant, it may be filled by
appointment by the Executive and shall be ratified by Members at the next General
Meeting held.
9.6 Remuneration
The Officers shall not receive any remuneration for their work as Officers of the Club.
9.7 Convocation and Meetings
The President may direct, at any time, the Secretary to call a meeting of the Executive
Committee. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at least once a month in
July and August of each year.
9.8 Notice of Meeting
Notice of the time, place and purpose of each meeting of the Executive Committee shall
be given by the Secretary to each Officer at least five (5) days prior to such meeting via
e-mail. In case of emergency, such meeting may be held at least one (1) day after the
expedition of such notice.
9.9 Waiver of Notice
Any Officer may, at all times, waive notice of a meeting of the Executive Committee, or
otherwise consent to the holding of such meeting. Furthermore, the presence of an
Officer at a meeting of the Executive is equivalent to such a waiver, except if such person
is attending for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business due to
the fact that the meeting was not legally convened.
a. Participation by Telephone
An Officer may, if all other Officers present at the meeting agree, participate in a meeting
of the Executive using communication facilities, such as the telephone, permitting all
persons attending the meeting to hear each other, and in this manner, the aforesaid
Officer is said to have been present at the meeting.
9.10 Quorum
Four Officers, including at least either the President or the Vice President, present shall
constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Executive.
9.11 Vote
Any questions brought up at a meeting shall be decided upon by the majority of the
Officers present. In the case of a tie vote, the President will have a casting vote.
9.12 Powers and duties
The powers and duties of the Executive Committee shall include the general control,
supervision and management of the affairs and property of the Club. In order to exercise
such powers, the Executive Committee may from time to time do all such things and
make all rules and regulations, not inconsistent with these By-laws, as they may see fit, in
particular, without limiting the generality of the foregoing they may:
a) enter into and cause to be signed and executed for, on behalf of, and in the name
of the Club, any kind of contract which the Club may lawfully enter into;
b) for the purpose of carrying out a resolution adopted by at least 2/3 of the
Members present at an Annual General Meeting, Fall Meeting or Special Meeting
borrow money upon the credit of the Club, and for that purpose pledge or
hypothecate the whole or part of the property of the Club.;
c) open a banking account for the Club with any Chartered Bank or Trust Company
or Credit Union, and pass such resolutions as the latter may require in connection
with the operation of such banking account;
d) regulate the use of the courts and the Club premises and property by the Members
and their guests, and the holding of competitions and tournaments;
e) establish limits on the number of Members allowable in each or any of the
membership categories enumerated in Section 4 and set by regulations the terms
and conditions for the acceptance of new Members;
f) delegate any of their powers to any of the Committees or Officers herein provided
for, or may be appointed or established by the Executive in accordance with these
10.1 Titles and functions of Officers
10.1.1 President
The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Club, shall act as president of any
meeting of the Members and shall exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the
Club and of the Executive, and in the case of a tie vote at any Annual General Meeting,
Fall Meeting or Special Meeting of the Club, he or she shall have a casting vote in
addition to his or her vote as a Member. The President shall be, ex officio, a member of
all committees of the Club
10.1.2 Vice-President
The Vice-President shall be Chair of the Playing Committee and, in the case of absence
or disability of the President, shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of the
10.1.3 Secretary
The Secretary shall:
a) keep, or cause to be kept, Minutes of all meetings of the Club and of the
b) conduct correspondence of the Club under the direction of the President;
c) issue notices of all meetings of the Club and of the Executive;
d) notify all new Members of their acceptance into the Club;
e) be responsible for all communications with the members and for keeping the
membership list updated;
f) keep, or cause to be kept, the website of the Club updated and current;
g) keep the records of the Club as to its membership up to date;
h) provide each Member including Junior, Intermediate and Social Members, with a
copy of the By-Laws and of playing and other regulations and of any amendments
of the foregoing; and
i) perform such other duties as may be assigned to the Secretary by the Executive.
10.1.4 Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
a) take charge of and be responsible for all monies of the Club and deposit them in a
Chartered Bank, Credit Union or Trust Company approved by the Executive, and
collect all fees, dues, assessments and other amounts owing to the Club by the
Members and others;
b) pay all amounts owing by the Club after their approval by the Executive, except
that payment of accounts provided for in a budget approved by the Executive for
the normal operating costs of the Club for the current year may be paid with the
approval of the Executive Officer responsible for such operation or, in his/her
absence, of the President;
c) maintain a safety deposit box in a Chartered Bank or Trust Company and keep in
it the Club’s Charter, title deeds, current By-laws and insurance policies, as well
as any securities, bonds or other valuables belonging to the Club;
d) prepare for inclusion in the mailing of notice of meeting to Members and present
at each Annual Meeting a statement of revenues and expenses and a balance sheet
for the preceding financial year : the financial year will end on the 31st of
December each year;
e) assist the incoming Treasurer and Executive in the preparation of a budget of all
proposed expenditures and anticipated revenues for the next year, and present it to
the Members for approval at the Annual Meeting of the Club;
f) Provide the Executive at each meeting with an up-to-date bank statement and
review of the financial situation.
g) perform such other duties as may be assigned to the Treasurer by the Executive.
10.1.5 Chair of the Social Committee
The Chair of the Social Committee shall be responsible for all social events and perform
such other duties as the Executive feels may properly be assigned.
10.1.6 Chair of the Grounds Committee
The Chair of the Grounds Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that the
Clubhouse, the grounds, and the courts of the Club are maintained in proper order.
He/she shall be responsible for the supervision of work of anyone employed by the Club
for this purpose.
10.1.7 Chair of the Junior Development Committee
The Chair of the Junior Development Committee shall represent the Junior Members of
the Club. He/she shall be responsible for providing tennis instruction and for organising
tournaments and competitions for Juniors within the Club, and for their participation in
outside tournaments as well as Junior Tennis Leagues.
10.2 Past President
The Past President, who is the last president to hold office shall act as adviser to the
Executive of the Club and as Chair of the Nominating Committee.
Every Officer of the Club exercising his powers and discharging his duties shall act honestly and
in good faith with a view to the best interests of the Club and exercise the care, diligence and
skill that a reasonably prudent person should exercise in comparable circumstances. Subject to
the foregoing, no Officer shall be liable for the act, neglect or default of any other Officer or
employee, or for any loss, damage or expense happening to the Club through any error of
judgement or oversight on his part, or for any other loss, damage or misfortune which shall
happen in the execution of the duties of his office or in relation thereto; provided that nothing
herein shall relieve any officer from the duty to act in accordance with these By-Laws or the
Regulations of the Club.
Indemnification of Officers
An Officer who is a party to, or who is a director or officer in or has a material interest in any
person who is party to, a material contract or transaction with the Club, shall disclose to the Club
the nature and extent of his interest at the time such matter is considered by the Executive and
such Officer shall not vote on any resolution to approve the same.
Conflict of interest
13.1 Standing Committees
There shall be a Social Committee, Grounds Committee, Junior Development
Committee, Nominating Committee, and a Playing Committee, each of which shall have
and exercise such powers and duties as are hereinafter described and as may be delegated
or granted to it by the Executive. The Chairs of each Committee may appoint from one to
eight Members to constitute his or her Committee.
The Executive, should it feel necessary to do so, may at any time modify or annul any
decision of a committee.
13.2 Nominating Committee
The Past President shall select a Nominating Committee of not less than two additional
Members of the Club not currently serving on the Executive for the purpose of
nominating the Officers of the Club, as required in the By-Laws, for the ensuing year.
The composition of such Nominating Committee shall be presented for Membership
approval at the Annual General Meeting.
The selection for Officers of the Club shall be reported to the Executive not later than the
1st day of September and may not include any member of the Nominating Committee.
The proposed slate of Officers shall be presented to the Fall Meeting for approval by the
Members pursuant to 3.1, along with all other nominations submitted to the Secretary in
accordance with 9.2.
13.3 Playing Committee
This Playing Committee shall consist of the Vice-President, serving as its Chair pursuant
to 10.1.2, the Chair of the Grounds and Junior Development Committees, no less than
two non-executive playing Members, whom shall not be members of the Interclub Teams
and the Captains of the Men’s and Women’s Interclub Teams. It is the responsibility of
the Vice-president to select the non-Executive Playing Members who sit on the Playing
It shall make all arrangements necessary for holding and completing the annual
tournaments of the Club and other competitions, and shall also be responsible for
regulating the use of the courts.
Each year, at least one meeting of the Playing Committee will be held before the
beginning of the playing season.
13.4 Social Committee
If needed, the Chair of the Social Committee may convene a Social Committee to assist
him or her in carrying out the duties assigned to him or her under the By-Laws.
13.5 Grounds Committee
If needed, the Chair of the Grounds Committee may convene a Grounds Committee to
assist him or her in carrying out the duties assigned to him or her under these By-Laws.
13.6 Junior Development Committee
If needed, the Chair of the Junior Development Committee may convene a Junior
Development Committee to assist in carrying out the duties assigned to him or her under
the By-Laws. The Junior Development Committee or its Chair shall be responsible for
bringing to the attention of the Executive any matter arising in connection with, or out of,
Junior activities that may be of concern either to the welfare of the Junior membership
itself or of the Club as a whole.
13.7 Audit Committee
If needed, the President and the Vice President shall appoint an Audit Committee,
composed of two Executive Committee Members and one Senior Member who does not
sit on the Executive Committee. The members of the Audit Committee shall have the
following duties:
– review the financial statements;
– review the work of the auditors or accountants with regards to the preparation of
the financial statements; and
– ensure that financial statements reflect correctly the financial situation of the
13.8 Other Committees
The Executive may appoint such other committees and individuals and determine the
powers and duties thereof, as it may deem expedient.
Cheques, notes, bills of exchange and other orders for payment of money, may be drawn, made,
accepted, or endorsed in the name and on behalf of the Club by i) the Treasurer and the President
Cheques and Contracts
acting jointly or, ii) any one of the Treasurer or the President acting jointly with another Officer
duly authorised by resolution of the Executive.
All contracts, agreements, deeds, or other instruments requiring execution by the Club shall be
valid and binding if approved by the Executive and signed by any Officer acting in accordance
with any resolution regarding such instruments.
Unless the context otherwise requires, words importing the singular number shall include the
plural and vice-versa; words importing genders shall include all genders; words importing
persons shall include bodies corporate, corporation, companies, partnerships, syndicates, trusts
and any number or aggregate of individuals as the context may require.
The headings used in these By-Laws are inserted for reference purposes only and are not to be
considered or taken into account in construing the terms or provisions thereof or to be deemed in
any way to clarify, modify or explain the effects of any such terms and provisions.
In the event of any personal property of any person, Member of the Club or not, or employee or
guest of the Club, being lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged, or such person or persons becoming
ill or injured anywhere in or about the premises or grounds of the Club, the Club shall not be
liable for any loss, damage, illness or injury thereby sustained, even though such loss, damage,
illness or injury was caused, or may have caused by the plants, trees, facilities, equipment or
other property of the Club, or by the fault, incompetence, or negligence of the officers, members,
agents or employees of the Club.
Limitation of Liability of the Club
At least every 6 years, these By-Laws shall be reviewed by a Committee appointed by the
Executive. The By-Law Committee shall be approved by the majority of Members during the
Fall Meeting of the relevant year. Any Member of legal age is eligible to sit on of the By-Law
Committee. The Executive shall appoint amongst the Members of the By-Law Committee a
Chair, within 30 days of the approval by the Members. The By-Law Committee shall
recommend amendments to the By-Laws no later than December 31 of the relevant year. The
amendments shall be presented to the Members alongside a final draft of the By-Laws Amended
and Restated, at the next Annual General Meeting or Fall Meeting.
Amendment of By-Laws
The By-laws may be amended at any Annual General Meeting or Fall Meeting provided that a
copy of the proposed amendments shall have been sent to the Members at the same time as the
notice calling the Meeting. To be adopted the proposed amendments shall require the approval of
a majority of the Members present at such Meeting and entitled to vote thereon.
A copy of any amendments to the By-laws which have been approved by an Annual or General
Meeting shall be sent to all Honorary Life Members, Senior Members, Intermediate Members
and Non-Playing Members within a month after such meeting has taken place.
Upon the winding-up or discontinuance of the affairs of the Club, its accumulated earned
surplus, if any, after the disposition of all assets, shall be paid to a charity or to a club, society or
association recognised and operated solely for social welfare, civic improvement, recreation or
other non-profitable purpose, no part of the income of which inures to the benefit of any
stockholder or Member. Such disposition shall be determined by a vote of the Members of the
Club of record as of the date of winding up or discontinuance, which vote shall take place within
a period of one year from such date.
Players will wear respectable tennis attire while playing at the Royal Oak Tennis Club. Up to
20% of colour is permitted as part of the traditional “tennis whites” dress code. Logos on the
tennis attire should be sports related and kept to a minimum. Footwear shall be predominately
white with flat soles, composed of a non-scuffing or marking material.
Code Vestimentaire
The Executive shall set from time to time regulations it deems necessary for the proper conduct
of the Club, Courts Regulations that may be adopted from time to time by the Executive shall be
sent to the Members within 30 days of their approval by the Executive. The current Court
Regulations which may be amended at the sole discretion of the Executive are set forth in Annex
A included herein.
Court Regulations
A) Court Maintenance
All Play shall be suspended on Har-Tru courts while daily maintenance of the courts is being
undertaken. Subject to weather conditions, the maintenance will normally be performed between
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. and between 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. or at any other time set by the Executive
A) Use of the Courts
The general principle is to allow members court time of 1 hour. If courts are available at the completion
of the hour, the occupants may continue to play.
– The court rotation system is in place to ensure all members get a chance to play and use the courts
with the shortest possible wait time in a manner that is fair for all
– Rotation times are clearly indicated on the board by the courts
– Odd number courts (1, 3 & 5) rotate every hour, on the half hour
– Even number courts (2, 4 & 6) rotate every hour on the hour
– A member wishing to use a particular court can hang a racquet on the appropriate hook on the
board by the courts
– When the rotation time comes, the member whose racket is hanging on the hook is entitled to use
the court for which the racquet is hanging, regardless of the amount of time the occupants of the
court have been playing or whether or not another court with the same or other rotation time is
– Of course, we encourage all members to be courteous and civil about the process. For example, if
a court with the same rotation time as the one you want is available, why not let the members who
have the court you want keep it? You’ll still be able to play. Likewise, if a court with a different
rotation time is available when the rotation time for the court you want comes up, please be polite
with the members occupying it when you ask them to give-up the court they have.
B) Schedule of Play
Please refer to the Schedule of Playing Times posted in the clubhouse.
C) Clubhouse, Courts & Lights
Players are requested to restrict the use of the overhead lights to that essential to illuminate the
area on which they are playing. The last player off the court, at night, will turn off the overhead
lights by means of the switches (one per court) located on the box outside of the electrical tool
shed. The court lights must be turned off no later than 10:30 p.m. unless authorised by the
President. It is requested that the last person(s) to leave the club after 9:00 p.m. perform a “safety
check” of the interior of the clubhouse and ensure all doors are locked.
D) Guest Fees
Members must accompany guests and ensure the visitor’s name is signed into the guest book
located in the clubhouse prior to play. The fee is $10.00/day. The guest is permitted to play a
maximum of three (3) times in a calendar month and a maximum of five (5) times during the
season. Playing Members may introduce houseguests, subject to the approval of the Executive,
for a period of not more than one month in any season. Such guests are permitted the full use of
the club’s facilities. The current rate per guest, set by the Executive, is $25.00/week.
E) Junior Members
A child aged under 7 years old present on Club property who is not registered in any Club’s
programs or lessons must be under an adult’s supervision.
Junior Members over the age of 7, have the same playing privileges as senior or intermediate
members, except Mondays to Fridays between the hours of 9:00-12:00 during which time, Senior
Members and Intermediate Members shall have priority as to the use of the Har-Tru Courts,
except during scheduled competitions or tournaments.
F) Dogs
Dogs are not permitted on the tennis club property.